RE: local copies of WAI logo

At 01:31 PM 12/18/2000 , Cynthia Shelly wrote:
>If we ask people to point to the official one, we can change it if we need
>to.  If we encourage people to make local copies, then old versions will
>hang around forever.

If we ask people to point to the official one then we are asking
for a great amount of load on W3C servers, we are asking for
people to potentially violate firewalls to use the logo, and we
are making it unusable in situations which are not directly web
connected.  That's silly, to me, and it doesn't fit with any other
W3C logo usage.

Note that other W3C logos can be used, say, on boxes of software.
There's no concern about "old versions being around forever" and
in fact that's not necessarily a bad thing.  In what kind of scenario
would we change the logo, and why wouldn't we want the old one
to persist?


Kynn Bartlett  <>          
Director of Accessibility, Edapta     
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
AWARE Center Director            
What's on my bookshelf?               

Received on Monday, 18 December 2000 18:49:02 UTC