Re: Minutes from ever

Well Chuck,

One of the reasons it seems to be necessary on this list,
to discuss the "great text/image divide"
is the complete lack of graphics on the WAI site.

I'd love to see "Text  supplementing meaning provided
by images and images supplementing and support meaning provided (or
intended) by text." it just aint happening, here

OK it is true some things are difficult to illustrate, and some cartoons
loose their meaning in the explanation.
However it seems that the wai staffers are determined to limit themselves to
the textual equivalents, and be satisfied with that.
How anyone can expect to be taken seriously with that attitude is beyond my
ken. Sorry  if this seems a little strong, but it seems a simple and obvious
demand, about as simple as 'alt' tags for most people using graphics, and
yet there has been absolutely no action that's visible.

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (learning difficulty)
& accessibility consultant

Received on Monday, 27 November 2000 12:30:01 UTC