Re: FW: Guideline 1.0

At 08:37 PM 11/2/2000 , Anne Pemberton wrote:
>         May I suggest that "all visual" specify that it is inclusive of a range of
>graphics and text that may vary from an "all" of either, or somewhere in
>between. I'm not sure if there is a separation in "all auditory" that is

Also, as written (currently and in proposal), it doesn't seem to take
into account mixed media.  Is that deliberate or is it an artifact
of the phrasing?

Kynn Bartlett  <>          
Director of Accessibility, Edapta     
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
AWARE Center Director            
What's on my bookshelf?               

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2000 22:27:40 UTC