3.1 strawman

3.1 When an appropriate markup language exists AND WILL WORK, use markup
rather than images to convey information TO ALLOW TEXT SCALABILITY.
[Priority 2]   For example, use SVG for line art, MathML to mark up
mathematical equations, and CSS for text-oriented special effects. You may
use text in images when the text does not convey its literal meaning, but
has a more graphical function, if the effect cannot be achieved with markup,
(as in the case of some for logos and limited accent elements) provided that
you provide a textual equivalent to the content contained in the image.

-- ------------------------------
Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D.
Professor - Human Factors
Dept of Ind. Engr. - U of Wis.
Director - Trace R & D Center
Gv@trace.wisc.edu, http://trace.wisc.edu/
FAX 608/262-8848
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Received on Thursday, 26 October 2000 16:32:57 UTC