RE: Baseline capabilities

At 01:31 PM 10/19/00 -0400, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>(Note that we are essentially determining how far back we need to provide
>support, assuming that newer systems are going to be better).
>Charles McCN


	I suggest that depends on the audience anticipated in creating the site.
When I work on the site for Dinwiddie Schools, Southside Elementary
Schools, I feel minimal need to reach out to a greater audience than
Dinwiddie County students' families and their extended families. From
conversations with parents, I don't see that we need to support any
technology lower than Win3.1 ... but if I make a site to be used by
students all over the state of Virginia, I need to remember that some
schools may only have access via an Apple IIe ... even tho the official
word from the state on state-wide sites is support at Win95 level ... I
know the teachers around Virginia from years of working with them at
conferences ... 

But Virginia is a small part of the US ... when I work on the ESF site, I
remember that there are folks from other English-speaking countries who use
the site whose technology may be back at 286 or Apple IIc level ..

I don't know if you can "legislate" addressing an identified audience,
unless your audience is "the public" ... which comes under a higher
standard .. Perhaps this should be a distinction between a Priority A and
an AA level .. or level AA and AAA even ...

Anne L. Pemberton
Enabling Support Foundation

Received on Thursday, 19 October 2000 19:52:03 UTC