list of currently most used abriviations


This most likely belongs in EO, but I was reminded when I saw the short
discussion from f2f about the intended ordience for a public draft. One
critical barrier for any person even technical minded are the bulk of
acronyms and abriviations that routinely is beeing used here. 3 Groups can
be identified one all the markup languages, both the soon to come, the
unknown of the future, the current languages and of cause legacy languages.
Maybe 10 is too many but we are close. Then all the working groups I think
the charter lists 8 or 9, and most of these gruops produce one or more
papers that has another abriviation close to the group abriviation but
different. So if we are concerned with any ordiences outside the regular
readers of W3C WAI papers and members of the WAI lists, I think such a paper
ought to be produced and maintained over time.

Claus Thoegersen
Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Students
University of Aarhus
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone +(45) 8942 23 71.

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2000 14:38:20 UTC