request to join

The following should be the necessary information to mail a request to join the WAI Guidelines group. I have as I am supposed to red the necessary documents about requirements for organizations and persons who wish to join this activity. The closest I can get to a date in the charter is the following text: $Date: 2000/09/22 15:55:06 $ After I participated in the Face to face meeting in the gl group October 5 and 6, I am also sure that the timeline outlined for this activity will be changed simply because it seems as if the gl group is behind the schedual that was posted on the web in March, this means I more or less expect that our work will go on beyond the outlined time for completing the current charter.

Claus Thøgersen
Organization Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Students 
We are not a W3C member. 
Office phone
(45) 89 42 23 71 

area of expertise:
I am blind and use the web a lot! 
Part of my work is to be in charge of the computer facilities that we provide for blind and visually impaired students at Aarhus University. The other part of my work is to participate in or if possible initiate projects that is of importance for the group of blind and visually impaired students currently using the facilities at the Center. We participate in a group that is established by the Statens Information (a national agency responsible for enhancing the public sector information that is of relevance to the citizents in Denmark). This group give advice and work on maintaining the Danish accessability web guidelines. We do help to test sites that are important for our users for accessability, and since Accessability is a special case or subset of usability it is hard not to cross the line between accessability and usability when testing a website. Finally we are working in a country outside the English speaking part of the world, wich means that internationalization issues are likely to be encountered n our ongoing work with and use of the web.

Claus Thøgersen
  Access Technology Specialist 
Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Students 
University of Aarhus
Nordre Ringgade 1
DK-8000 Aarhus C 

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 09:48:48 UTC