what does html 4 say about title and frames


I am glad to see that we are not the only people who can disagree on this
issue. The Danish approach to guidelines is very simple, we want to   follow
both html and wai guidelines. On the other hand we have a very special
situation in Denmark. With only  one screenreader, and a screenreader that
supports WAI. In this situation it makes sense to try an influence Freedom
Scientific to change the behavior of JFw, but we have to be 100 percent sure
that we try to push Freedom in the right direction.

My understanding of the previous mails is  as follows: for the future use
title because in general the title tag is used to supply information about
the contents of different elements. The name is an older more or less
outdated tag that should insure backwards compatibility. If this is correct,
and I hope someone more knowledgable of html than I will give a clear anser
on this, then we can ask Freedom to change the way Ie5 and JFW behaves when
incountering frames with either title or name or both. One idea that would
be in line with JFW would be to make it an option like many other things so
the user can choose wich information should be spoken.


Claus Thoegersen

Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2000 07:44:46 UTC