RE: Brain dump on advantages and disadvantages of different types of content

My apologies for the inappropriate use of the word "boring". "Boring" has to
be one of the more subjective words in the English language. The point I was
trying to make is this - Some people like animations and graphics.

You may not be among them, but there are, oh so many different types of
sites, and what may be considered an excellent presentation of the WAI home
page (well done Wendy), may be considered a second best for, say a  teenage
environmental awareness site.

People spend time and money on making animations that you or I do not like -
but they do like them. (I caught myself referring to some new music trend as
"noise" - same idea)

We can make recommendations about accessibility but not about taste. We must
try to find ways to facilitate different tastes with in the WAI, whether
they are our tastes or not.

Sorry to have dragged everyone into this.


Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2000 02:29:51 UTC