- From: eric hansen <ehansen@ets.org>
- Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 12:51:43 -0500 (EST)
- To: w3c-wai-gl@w3.org
PART 2: PROPOSED REVISIONS FOR THE PAGL DOCUMENT Notes are found between square brackets and headed by the word "NOTE". The notes are my (Eric Hansen's) side comments and are not for inclusion in the PAGL document. One area not addressed by these revisions is many related specifically to the guidelines, which are superordinate to the checkpoints. 2.A. PROPOSED INTRODUCTORY PORTION OF GUIDELINES DOCUMENT Purpose The Page Authoring guidelines document is designed to help Web authors improve the accessibility of Web sites for people with disabilities. The document also indicates how following the guidelines can also make Web sites more accessible and usable to individuals without disabilities. Relation to Other Documents Other documents in this series also play a role in improving the Web accessibility. * The PAGL Supporting Documents provide detail on how to implement the accessibility guidelines and background on the procedures used to produce the document's guidelines, checkpoints, and ratings. * The WAI Authoring Tool guidelines focus on (a) how Web authoring tool developers can help Web authors implement the PA guidelines (b) making the tools usable for people with disabilities. * The WAI User Agent guidelines focus on ensuring that user agents such as Web browsers are highly usable by people with disabilities. Benefits Adhering to the guidelines in this document: * Will ensure a basic level of accessibility for people with disabilities. For many individuals with disabilities, following these guidelines will have a profound positive influence on their access to Web-based information. * Will help increase usability and accessibility by both nondisabled and disabled individuals who are using a mobile and voice technologies or who are operating in constrained environments (noise-free, nonvisual). * Is expected to promote comprehension, appreciation, and hence, overall effectiveness of Web content. Priorities To help Web authors prioritize their efforts, this document provides priorities for implementation. These priorities were determined by the level of adverse impact on accessibility for disability groups when there is failure to implement a checkpoint. Following are the priorities and the impacts that gave rise to them. [PRIORITY 1] This checkpoint must be addressed by an author BECAUSE failure to do so would result in one or more groups of users finding it impossible to access information in the document. Satisfying this checkpoint is a basic requirement for some groups to be able to use Web documents. [PRIORITY 2] This checkpoint should be addressed by an author BECAUSE failure to do so would result in one or more groups of users finding it very difficult to access information in the document. Satisfying this checkpoint will significantly improve access to Web documents. [PRIORITY 3] This checkpoint may be addressed by an author BECAUSE failure to do so would result one or more groups of users finding it somewhat difficult to access information in the document. Satisfying this checkpoint will improve access to Web documents. [NOTE. I have modified the language to make it more parallel. Also, "BECAUSE" is in all caps to emphasize this important change. It need not be capitalized in the final.] 2.B. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS [NOTE. This section might best be located in its own appendix.] The section describes the scope and limitations of this document. Focuses on Improving Accessibility for People with Disabilities This document focuses on improving the level of accessibility to Web-based information by people with disabilities. Yet neither this document nor any other practical set of guidelines can guarantee accessibility by all people with disabilities. The diversity of user characteristics, technologies, and situations is too great to be full addressed by a finite set of guidelines. For example, following the guidelines may be ineffective for certain individuals with severe or even moderate cognitive disabilities. Following the guidelines will also improve accessibility and usability for many nondisabled individuals. This is an important but secondary focus of the document. Focuses on Major Disability Groups This document focuses on issues generally encountered in major disability groups (blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, learning disability, physical disability, cognitive disability, emotional disability, tactual disability [NOTE. Were individuals with tactual disabilities considered?]), plus two other specific subgroups (color deficiencies, photosensitive epilepsy). [NOTE. I think that color deficiencies are often categorized under low-vision. I don't know about photosensitive epilepsy; should there be another large category called seizure disorders?). Except for the category of deaf-blind, the document does not focus on the issues peculiar to multiply-disabled individuals. For example, this document will not necessarily ensure accessibility for a triply disabled individual who is not only deaf and blind but also has tactual disability (perhaps due to diabetes) that affects their capacity to feel braille characters. Neither might it adequately address the needs of an individual who is deaf and has a learning disability. Ensures Perception The document focuses on ensuring that the information can be perceived but cannot guarantee that the information will be understood. For example, text in Web documents may be inaccessible to individuals with language-related disabilities (cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities, deafness, etc.) even though the text can be clearly perceived and even if a diligent effort has been made to write the content simply and straightforwardly (see checkpoint B.3.1). The improvements brought about by following the guidelines are expected to be more adequate for individuals with non-language-related disabilities (blindness, physical disability, etc.) than for individuals with language-related disabilities. Uses Written Language as an Essential Representational System The document emphasizes written language (i.e., "text") as an essential representation system, meaning that all essential information should have a textual representation. This does not mean that non-textual visual material (e.g., still or motion pictures) or auditory materials should not play a prominent role in Web sites. The guidelines basically require that such non-text materials be accompanied by alternative textual representations, such as alt-text, descriptive text, transcripts, and captions. The major advantage of having written language as an essential representational system is that it is readily expressed or rendered in ways that are perceivable by three major sensory systems -- vision (written text), hearing (synthesized or prerecorded speech), and touch (braille). However, one limitation of this approach is that it may not always provide adequate access for individuals requiring information that is not readily translated into text. Content such as dance, body language, and manual signing systems, may lose subtlety and richness of meaning when, and if, it can be translated into a text-based notational system and then rendered either as written text, speech, or braille. Consider, for example, a Web site originally targeted to deaf nonreaders. The site may make extensive use of videos of people using some form of signed communication. However, the text-based transcripts of these communications may lose many of the nuances available in the original. (It should be noted that a deaf nonreader does not necessarily have two disabilities.) Assumes That Vision, Hearing, and Touch Are the Relevant Sensory Systems The document assumes that the senses of vision, hearing, and touch are the relevant senses for presenting Web-based information. Presenting content to the senses of smell or taste, though possible for some information, is not addressed. Focuses on Issues Having Much Greater Impact on Disabled Individuals In Contrast to Nondisabled Individuals The document focuses on issues that have much greater impacts on disabled individuals than on nondisabled individuals. Some potential checkpoints have been excluded from this document because the problems they address fail to meet this criterion. For example, many individuals with disabilities find a Web site less usable or even "inaccessible" if the content is entirely in a language that they do not understand (e.g., a "foreign" language or highly complex language) or uses words or phrases that they find offensive or insensitive. Another possible example is that certain educational content may be "inaccessible" to individuals with disabilities who lack the necessary learning prerequisites. Another possible example is that many people with disabilities lack the economic resources to buy the necessary computer technology so that Web information is "inaccessible" to them. All these problems are largely, if not completely, excluded from these guidelines, because their impact on disabled individuals is not "much greater" on the nondisabled individuals. Indeed, some argue that these are not disability access issues at all. Admittedly, this criterion is not tightly defined. If research shows that people with disabilities are much more affected by these issues (for example, lack the economic resources to buy the necessary computer technology) then one could not exclude possible checkpoints (e.g., "Ensure that all people with disabilities have a Web-capable personal computer.") on this basis. (However, in many of these cases, the checkpoints might still be excluded because they are beyond what can reasonably be expected of Web authors. [See below.]) To reiterate, this document focuses on issues that tend to have a substantially greater impact on people with disabilities than on people without disabilities. Focuses On What Could Reasonably Be Addressed By Web Authors The document only considers issues that could reasonably be addressed by Web authors. As used in this document, the term "Web author" gives special emphasis to the individuals who are writing the markup code (HTML) or who are writing the software that generates the markup. But it also encompasses, to a lesser degree, others who create, design, or provide content for Web sites. The intent of this document is to point out things that might reasonably be expected of virtually all Web authors. An extreme example of a checkpoint that is excluded from this document is the following. "If a person with a disability has trouble using a Web site, one _must_ ensure the problem is overcome, if necessary, by sending a staff person to the location of the disabled person in order to address the issue." This kind of checkpoint is excluded because it is considered beyond what could be expected from almost all Web authors. Let us take a less extreme example. Consider a potential requirement that "If _a person with a language-related disability_ such as deafness has a question about something on a Web site, there must be a TTY (teletype [for individuals who are deaf]) number that he or she can call to obtain additional information." The TTY device is known primarily for its use by individuals who are deaf, many of whom have difficulty accessing written text. Many individuals who are deaf would likely benefit from being able to conduct interactive discussion with a knowledgeable staff person via TTY. While providing such TTY support would be a good thing to do, the working group believed that this is beyond what should be expected of virtually all Web authors. [NOTE. AM I CORRECT THAT THIS TTY ISSUE WAS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED FROM THE GUIDELINES?] Thus, in order to be included in the PAGL document, the checkpoint be within the scope of what could reasonably expected of Web authors. Is Not a Comprehensive Guide to Web Design or Development This document is not a comprehensive guide to Web site design or development. For example, this document does not specifically address how to increase a Web site's appeal, though it is expected that following the guideline can help Web sites appeal to both new and current audiences. Nor do the guidelines indicate the sequence in which the various checkpoints should be addressed during the design and development process or by what Web development participants (e.g., HTML coders, Web designers, content providers, etc.). Assumes a General Mix of Content Purposes This document does not distinguish between major content purposes (informational, educational, entertainment, commerce) but rather assumes a variety of such purposes. This is important because an understanding of the purpose of the site may sometimes necessarily influence the application of the checkpoints. For example, consider the checkpoint "Use the simplest and most straightforward language that is possible for the content of your site" (B.3.1). One should not apply this guideline unthinkingly to certain kinds of educational content, such as tests of reading comprehension, which may deliberately use complex syntax or difficult vocabulary to assess a person's reading skill. Attempts to Address the Needs of General Audiences Worldwide Rather Than Local Cultures This document is intended to apply to Web sites for a variety of audiences throughout the world, but is not necessarily sensitive the culture or sub-culture of specific audiences. Some culture- or nation- specific issues can have an important influence on the accessibility and usability of Web sites, but are beyond the scope of this document. Assumes That Information Being Made Accessible is "Helpful" This document assumes, unless otherwise stated, that information being made accessible is "helpful" for an overall understanding of the document. Thus, priority 1 checkpoints must be followed, even though the information being made accessible is merely "helpful" rather than "important" or necessary. As noted "Appendix D - Definitions (for "Important information") "Information is important if understanding it in detail is necessary for the overall understanding of a document." [NOTE CHANGE IN WORDING]. In some cases, the guidelines and checkpoints focus specifically on "important" information (A.2., A.2.1, and A.10.). In a few other cases, different priority ratings are provided depending on the importance of the content (e.g., Checkpoint A.1.6.) "Replace ASCII art with an image and alternative text. [Priority 1] or [Priority 2] depending on the importance of the information; see also A.3.3., and A.11.1). [NOTE. As I have indicated before, I prefer not to have multi-valued or contingent priorities, but perhaps it is OK if one makes the assumptions explicit. Also, I see the use of the term "important" as inconsistent in A.10. The word is not used in the guideline statement but immediately following it ("This is particularly important for objects that contain text and does not apply to instant redirection.") In my view, the word "important" is a significant qualifier and belongs inside any applicable checkpoint statement and appear as though it were tossed in on the side. If the word "important" is in a checkpoint statement, it may or may not be found in the relevant guideline statement.] Attempts to Provide Checkpoints That Are Largely Nonoverlapping The document provides checkpoints that are intended to be largely nonoverlapping in their coverage. The major known exception to this point is checkpoint A.14 ("Wherever possible use a W3C technology in accordance with guidelines on its proper usež"), which essentially overlaps with the whole PAGL document, since the PAGL document is (when approved) a W3C technology. [NOTE. I have previously described my concerns about A.14 as currently phrased. I suppose that one way to characterize my concern is by asking the question: "What criteria would one employ to determine if a Web document is compliant or non-compliant to the checkpoint?" Is it possible that, since the PAGL document is a "W3C technology," then a single violation of any of the checkpoints would render the document noncompliant with checkpoint A.14? Checkpoint A.14 seems too broad and logic-packed to be validated in the same way as most of the other checkpoints. I think that it might make a good general statement of policy or philosophy undergirding the checkpoints, but, as currently phrased, it doesn't seem to fit with the other checkpoints.] Does Not Permit Cost to Influence Priority Levels The document does not allow costs to determine priority levels. That is, for any given checkpoint, the priority levels (the importance of adhering to a checkpoint) is unrelated to the cost of implementing the checkpoint. Priority levels were determined solely by impact levels ("impossible," "very difficult," "somewhat difficult") on the disability groups. It is expected that many of the checkpoints can be implemented at little or no cost, especially when built in at the early stages of Web design and development. However, cost was considered informally in determining which checkpoints to include in the PAGL document, since cost is a necessary component of overall feasibility and practicality. The working group attempted to include only those checkpoints that show a strong possibility [NOTE: Or "probability" (?)] of being cost-effective to implement. [BEGINNING OF EXTENDED NOTE. There has been much discussion in my correspondence about cost considerations and their influence on checkpoints and their priority ratings. I now understand that cost considerations do not influence the imperative (priority) ratings of checkpoints, since imperative ratings are functionally determined by impact ratings. You will note that I have said that "However, _cost was considered informally_ in determining which checkpoints to include in the PAGL document, since cost is a necessary component of overall feasibility and practicality." (emphasis added). I assume that cost was considered in determining which checkpoints to include or exclude. I think that it should have been the case and should be acknowledged. This is consistent with the first paragraph of Part 2 of this memo: "This [PAGL] document focuses on disability access issues that can _reasonably_ be addressed by Web authors, primarily through document markup" (emphasis added). I think that the PAGL should only include checkpoints that have passed the test of reasonableness, feasibility, and practicality. In other words, they must have a strong potential of showing benefits that justify whatever _costs_ may be entailed. Phrased differently, I expect that the working group was and should be "biased" against including checkpoints that are expensive, or more specifically, that are not cost-effective. What is the alternative to this approach? To say that costs were NOT considered in determining which checkpoints to include or exclude? Consider the implications of that approach. I think that if Web developers believed that cost (or cost-effectiveness) was not considered in determining which guidelines to include or exclude, then they might doubt the practicality of the checkpoints. They might then feel it their duty to bring such considerations to bear in picking and choosing which ones to follow and which ones not to follow. Even worse, they might assume that the people that produced the guidelines don't appreciate the challenges of developing a Web site under financial constraints and that therefore the guidelines should be ignored. END OF EXTENDED NOTE.] Attempts to Provide a Stable List of Checkpoints and Priorities The document attempts to provide a list of checkpoints and priorities that will be stable for many years. However, it is understood that the guidelines may require modification as technologies evolve and as new disability access problems and solutions are identified. The working group is particularly interested in identifying new, potentially cost-effective methods for improving accessibility and usability of Web content for people with language-related disabilities (cognitive disability, deafness, dyslexias, etc.). Suggestions on this or any other topic should be sent to the working group at [INSERT WORKING GROUP EMAIL ADDRESS]. 2.C. HOW THE CHECKPOINTS AND THEIR PRIORITIES WHERE PRODUCED Upon receiving its charter from the W3C, the page authoring guidelines working group asked themselves and many others the question, "What disability access checkpoints are so important that failure to implement the checkpoint would have a significant adverse affect the accessibility to Web-based information by disability groups?" Checkpoints were rated by whether failure to implement the checkpoint would make it (1) impossible, (2) very difficult, or (2) somewhat difficult, for disability groups to access the information. The working group also identified the particular disability groups that would be most affected. (These disability groups, sometimes with other affected non-disability-related groups, are mentioned under the guideline that overarches each set of checkpoints. [NOTE. This assumes that all checkpoints under a single guideline have a similar, if not identical, list of most-severely-affected-groups.]) The list of disability groups considered were as follows: blind low vision not including color deficiencies color deficiencies deaf hard of hearing deaf-blind learning disability physical disability cognitive disability emotional disability tactual disability photosensitive epilepsy The guideline editors made judgments regarding which checkpoints to include, how to phrase them, and what their priorities should be. These judgments were based on discussion with working group listserv participants, most of whom are not formal members of the working group but who bring to bear a wide range of expertise in technology and disability issues. Participants were not asked to identify their disabilities, though some active participants are known to have disabilities. [NOTE. VERIFY ACCURACY AND SENSITIVITY.] Drafts of the page authoring guidelines and accompanying checkpoints documents were submitted at several stages to full review by the working group, by the ig [NOTE. WHAT IS THIS? (Cited by Gregg Vanderheiden)], and then posted for public review. The PAGL group was issued as a W3C recommendation on [INSERT DATE]. Assumptions Underlying the Judgments Judgments about impact ("impossible", "very difficult", and "somewhat difficult") were made under the assumptions that the groups were using moderately accessible Web content under their own preferred conditions, except for the violation of the checkpoint being considered. By the term "moderately accessible content" we mean content that is neither highly accessible nor completely inaccessible. It is important that this base level of accessibility not be "completely inaccessible." For if it were, it would be impossible to judge whether the violation of a single checkpoint had any additional adverse impact, since it would already be completely inaccessible. On the other hand if the content were high accessible, it would currently (1999) be highly atypical and therefore unrealistic. [NOTE. There are pluses and minuses to assuming highly accessible content. In previous memos I have advocated an assumption of highly accessible content. Someone suggested that it was unrealistic to assume highly accessible content. I am now modifying my position.] By the term "preferred conditions" we mean using the preferred technologies and physical setting. For example, for many individuals who are blind, the preferred conditions might involve a multimedia computer and their own favorite brands of screen reader, speech, and Web browser technologies operating in a quiet room. Obviously, if the group being considered is defined by particular technologies and physical settings (e.g., users of small handheld devices with monochrome monitors in noisy environments), then the users' preferences can only modify conditions that are not part of the group definition. Note that if judgments were made under an assumption of "least preferred (or worst) conditions," then accessibility might already be so low that it would be impossible to detect the adverse impact of the violation of a single checkpoint. It is important to note that the level of impact of violations is tied not only to the enduring nature of certain categories of disability (blindness, deafness, cognitive disabilities, etc.), but also to the more changeable nature of technologies by which a group's preferred conditions might be defined. This means that impacts of violations on any given group might change over time, albeit somewhat slowly. [NOTE. The foregoing paragraphs attempt to answer the question: "What were the assumptions underlying the judgments about the impact of violations on any given group?" I think that it is important to state the assumptions. If these assumptions are not correct, I would invite correction.] 2.D.MATERIAL FOR POSSIBLE INCLUSION IN THE DEFINITIONS SECTION I have tried to succinctly define key terms. These definitions might be included in the definition section. Please excuse the redundancy of some of this information. Impact Impact is the adverse affect of violation of a checkpoint upon a group in terms of the accessibility of information in a Web document. Impact Rating Impacts ratings indicate whether violation of a checkpoint makes accessing the information in a document "impossible", "very difficult", or "somewhat difficult" for a given group. Among the assumptions for assigning these ratings are the following: Typical Web Document. The group is accessing a "typical" Web document (page), which may be imagined as a composite of all Web documents from a variety of purposes (informational, educational, entertainment, commerce). The document is typical not only in its purpose but also in the relative frequency of different Web objects [NOTE. IS THIS THE BEST WORD?], such as graphics, tables, headings, paragraphs, ordered lists, etc., and in the information content of those objects. Moderately Accessible Content. The content in the document is "moderately accessible," meaning that it is neither highly accessible nor completely inaccessible. Preferred Conditions. The Web document is accessed under conditions preferred by that group. Conditions include both technologies and physical setting. For example, for many individuals who are blind, the preferred conditions might involve a multimedia computer and their own favorite brand of screen reader, speech synthesizer, and Web browser operating in a quiet room. If the group being considered is defined by particular technologies and physical settings (e.g., users of small handheld devices with monochrome monitors in noisy environments), then the users' preferences can only modify conditions that are not part of the group definition. Violations Are Comprehensive. In rating the impact of a violation of any given checkpoint, the violation is assumed to occur at all relevant instances throughout the document. Information is "Helpful." The ratings assume, unless otherwise stated, that information being made accessible by adhering to a guideline is "helpful" for an overall understanding of the document. (This means, for example, that priority 1 checkpoints must be followed, even though the information being made accessible is merely "helpful" rather than "important" or necessary.) Group Groups were defined by disability (e.g., blind, deaf) or other attributes ("users of audio-only Web browsers"). The disability groups were as follows: blind low vision not including color deficiencies color deficiencies deaf hard of hearing deaf-blind learning disability physical disability cognitive disability emotional disability tactual disability photosensitive epilepsy Other groups not related to disability were also considered, but impact ratings of these other groups were not considered in generating the priority ratings. For the purpose of generating impact ratings, all members of each group were considered as acting as a single composite entity. Priority Ratings Priority ratings (1, 2, and 3) indicate how important it is for Web authors to adhere to a given checkpoint (e.g., Web authors "must," "should," or "may" follow the guidelines). Priority ratings are functionally determined by impact ratings. Only impact ratings for disability groups are considered in generating the priorities. Specifically, the priority rating for a checkpoint is determined by the highest (most severe) impact rating for any of the disability groups. For example, if one or more disability groups would find it "impossible" to access information in the document given violation of a certain checkpoint, then the Web author "must" adhere to that checkpoint. The same logic relates the other two impact ratings ("very difficult" and "somewhat difficult") and their corresponding priorities ("should" and "may"). Priority ratings 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the "must," "should," and "may" levels. ============================= Eric G. Hansen, Ph.D. Development Scientist Educational Testing Service ETS 12-R Rosedale Road Princeton, NJ 08541 (W) 609-734-5615 (Fax) 609-734-1090 E-mail: ehansen@ets.org
Received on Tuesday, 12 January 1999 16:33:38 UTC