Re: B, I, TT, BORDER, Q recommendations

> >Recommended:
> [snip]
> >     no B,I,TT,ALIGN,BORDER,FONT,BACKGROUND (HTML4 deprecated++)

By deprecated++, I meant to encompass [deprecated thing + a couple of
presentation markup not yet deprecated in HTML4].
> B, I, and TT are not deprecated, and they still have some use for
> situations where HTML lacks a suitable phrase element.  For example, <B
> class="vector">x</B> and <I lang="la">i.e.</I> are in my opinion better
> than <SPAN class="vector">x</SPAN> and <SPAN lang="la">i.e.</SPAN> since
> the B and I elements can express the meaning to visual browsers that don't
> support style sheets.

Yes, B and I have acquire some semantics over the years.

I guess we need to be more precised and mention that we do not
recommend their use for purely typographical presentation: use CSS
instead, and if it's to note strong or emphasis, people can use STRONG
and EM.

> The BORDER attribute of TABLE is also not deprecated.  Given the weak
> browser support for style sheets (particularly with borders and tables), I
> don't see the harm in using the BORDER attribute.

How about [Interim] and then CSS2 ?
> >     use proper Quotations: BLOCKQUOTE and Q elements
> Is it too early to recommend using Q when almost no browsers support it?

How about [New] ?

Received on Tuesday, 31 March 1998 04:33:31 UTC