B, I, TT, BORDER, Q recommendations

At 04:32 PM 30/03/98 +0200, Daniel Dardailler wrote:

B, I, and TT are not deprecated, and they still have some use for
situations where HTML lacks a suitable phrase element.  For example, <B
class="vector">x</B> and <I lang="la">i.e.</I> are in my opinion better
than <SPAN class="vector">x</SPAN> and <SPAN lang="la">i.e.</SPAN> since
the B and I elements can express the meaning to visual browsers that don't
support style sheets.

The BORDER attribute of TABLE is also not deprecated.  Given the weak
browser support for style sheets (particularly with borders and tables), I
don't see the harm in using the BORDER attribute.

>     use proper Quotations: BLOCKQUOTE and Q elements

Is it too early to recommend using Q when almost no browsers support it?

Liam Quinn
Web Design Group            Enhanced Designs, Web Site Development
http://www.htmlhelp.com/    http://enhanced-designs.com/

Received on Monday, 30 March 1998 18:22:18 UTC