Re: ERT XHTML Module for the WAI

At 9:06 PM +0000 11/20/00, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>Apparently, it's either a PF thing, or a multi WG task force. I think the
>ERT group can do it...the whole point of m12n is that *anyone* should be
>able to use it fairly easily.

Yes and no.  Anyone can write anything they want -- and in fact they
can do it now in XML and simply ignore "official" XHTML entirely --
but for something to be accepted by a _broad_ community, it needs to
result from an open, inclusive effort.  Browser developers, assistive
technology developers, and tool developers need to see something which
is authoritative and legitimate, not just, say, Kynn's XHTML Module
That He Put Together In His Spare Time.  (Who would implement that?)

>  > I think it's a worthy endeavour, though, and I suggest that this
>  > be bumped up to the WAI coordination level for discussion.
>The CG people remain a mystery to me...I'm trying to stay out of the

CG isn't about politics, it's about coordinating the process.  I think
you need to be careful about assuming too much is politics when really
it is a simple matter of project management.

Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Monday, 20 November 2000 16:42:59 UTC