Re: ERT XHTML Module for the WAI

> An interesting idea, Sean.


> Any XHTML module we write will only be useful in as much as there
> is software (browsers, editors, evaluation tools, etc.) specifically
> written to use that module.

Only if we are talking about modification by addition. If we are talking
about constriction, then that is O.K.

> Part of the danger, though, is that concentrating _too much_
> accessibility information within one module may make it too
> easy to completely exclude accessibility consideration
> all together.  (By "not supporting" the accessibility module.)

Actually, I thought of breaking it down in to smaller .mod modules, and then
referencing it using entities into one driver .module file. Then people
could use the .mod's if they so wished. That the whole purpose of m12n:
break it all up as much as possible.

> As Len says, a solution may be to state "if you use XHTML 1.1 or
> higher, use {some set of accessibility modules}".  Since there is
> little-to-no actual support for XHTML modularization these days,
> now is the right time to work on this.

That's what I plan to do!

> Of course, the question remains as to who could work on a module
> of this sort.  I don't know if the XHTML working group would want
> to take it on (nor do they necessarily have the expertise), but
> on the other hand, it is out of charter for the existing WAI groups
> as I understand them.  (I don't know of any which have the mandate
> to produce new XHTML elements/attributes.)

Apparently, it's either a PF thing, or a multi WG task force. I think the
ERT group can do it...the whole point of m12n is that *anyone* should be
able to use it fairly easily.

> I think it's a worthy endeavour, though, and I suggest that this
> be bumped up to the WAI coordination level for discussion.

The CG people remain a mystery to me...I'm trying to stay out of the

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
"Perhaps, but let's not get bogged down in semantics."
   - Homer J. Simpson, BABF07.

Received on Monday, 20 November 2000 16:06:35 UTC