RE: EOWG - Important Meeting and Work Info

Hi Brent,

As I discussed offlist with Sharron, I didn’t want to make trouble y saying that if the deadline is extended, I’m OK to read the Business Case but did not have the time this week, so I’m glad that you’re extending the deadline this way. Will do it ASAP.

De : Bakken, Brent []
Envoyé : mercredi 10 octobre 2018 17:55
À : EOWG (E-mail)
Objet : EOWG - Important Meeting and Work Info

Hello EOWG,

In place of our weekly meeting this week, we would like to give you back the 2 hours to be sure to work on completing the current open surveys.

Work for this Week<> [1] has been updated with all of the current surveys and closing dates. Note that two surveys are closing today!

Please take the time today and again through Monday to provide good, detailed feedback on the Business Case Survey and the Accessibility Statements Survey. If you need additional time to complete one of these surveys, please indicate this *in the survey* so that the planning team and editors are aware. Again all of the links and directions are listed on Work for this Week in the wiki.

Thank you all for excellent work and contributions.
Brent, Sharron, & Shawn


Brent A. Bakken

Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education Services
Psychometrics & Testing Services

512 202 1087<>



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