EOWG Charter for Review by W3C Member AC Reps

Dear EOWG participants and list lurkers,

Thank you to all who contributed to developing the proposed re-charter of EOWG. <https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/charter2017> It includes exciting and important work to advance web accessibility through W3C.

The proposed EOWG re-charter is now out for review by the W3C Advisory Committee (AC) -- which is comprised of one representative (Rep) from each W3C Member organization.
*If your organization is a W3C Member, please talk with your AC Rep about completing the Call for Review survey* at:

Note that it is helpful to get survey responses early in the review period. The deadline is 10 August. The Call for Review e-mail was sent to the (member-only) AC list: <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2017JulSep/0005.html>

If you have any questions (e.g., who is my AC Rep? what about xyz?), please do not hesitate to ask me directly.



Received on Thursday, 13 July 2017 06:15:31 UTC