Re: 2 new slides RE: EOWG - Wrapping up Business Case slides

Hi Shawn,

This is beginning to get to a level when I'd like to share IT with my team
in charge of developing the accessibility requirements for European public
procurement (Shadi is also a member of, see

The purpose is inspiration and the sharing of good arguments.
Would that be OK?

Best regards,
ETSI STF416 Expert

On 21/06/11 21:01, "Shawn Henry" <> wrote:

>  EOWG,
>Please review the two new slides developed based on our last discussion
>and comments in e-mail:
>* Accessibility impacts image (currently 13)
>* [broad benefits] (currently 30)
>Please remember to read the text for speakers/readers under the slide and
>consider the slides in context of the overall presentation.
>Please comment on these *by Thursday 23 June*, or let me know if you need
>more time.
>On 6/9/2011 5:05 PM, Shawn Henry wrote:
>>  EOWG,
>> We might not have time to discuss the business case slides on the
>>teleconference for several weeks, and it would be good finish them asap.
>>Therefore, please send any comments in e-mail.
>> The 9 June version has a few minor changes in response to comments from
>>Vicki and Alan, such as those listed here
>> Another minor change is the addition of /For more info:/ to some of the
>>slide notes, and ------ fyi ------- to separate important information
>>from additional info.
>> Please review and comment on these latest changes:
>> * Added image to "Reduces risk of legal action" slide (currently 13)
>> * Added draft images for the "example: alt text for images" slides
>>(currently 16-19) - along with "[OPEN:..." with what still needs to be
>>fixed in them. (Thanks Wayne for continuing to work on them.)
>> * Changed image in "Return for accessibility" slide (currently 26) (I
>>left the old one at slide 27 for this review round, just so it's there
>>for comparison).
>> OPEN:
>> 1. Volunteer needed to track down image permission. If we are likely to
>>want to use the tree image on the "Return for accessibility" slide,
>>would some one please chase down the owner and see if we can have
>>permission to use it? It is used several places that come up in an
>>images search for "tree investment" but I didn't get far enough to find
>>the actual source.
>> 2. Volunteer to make the HTML version after we have settled on the
>>content, which I hope will be in June.
>> Regards,
>> ~Shawn
>> On 5/31/2011 10:44 AM, Shawn Henry wrote:
>>> EOWG folks,
>>> Here are open action items for the business case slides:
>>> 1. cost, investment, return slides - consider different illustrations,
>>>review text.
>>> * Karl ­ provide idea of illustration "to make the graph look less
>>>scientific and the implication that it is data-based"
>>> * Vicki ­ provide alternative ideas for slides
>>> * All ­ consider different illustrations and metaphors, including
>>>further comment on or refinement of the idea of tree
>>> * All ­ review revised Notes.
>>> 2. risk coverage in notes &/or slide ­ review draft slide, suggest
>>> Since I didn¹t get any input on this following the 6 May
>>>teleconference, I drafted a suggestion. It¹s currently slide 13 titled
>>>³Reduces risk of legal action².
>>> Read the discussion in minutes
>>><> noting different
>>>perspectives on how to cover this given the very different situation in
>>>different countries, etc.
>>> (fyi, in the business case pages it is addressed at
>>> and under ³Decreases potential
>>>for high legal expenses² in
>>> * All - review draft slide, send any comments to list.
>>> * All - suggest illustrations, send to list for discussion.
>>> 3. images for alternative text.
>>> * Wayne ­ send drafts for group review.
>>> 4. CSS for HTML version.
>>> * Ian ­ fix last few things.
>>> NOTES:
>>> * Along with any images or other visuals that you send for discussion,
>>>include descriptions for those who cannot see them.
>>> * For those new to EOWG: it is probably good to send quick rough
>>>drafts first, rather than spending a lot of time refining them. EOWG is
>>>likely to have suggestions for revisions, or different ideas.
>>> * Download the latest version of the presentation, I'm editing it as
>>>input comes in.
>>> Regards,
>>> ~Shawn

Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2011 20:10:42 UTC