Re: New: Perspectives on Accessibility

Shawn Henry wrote:
> "I like the discussion, we just need more pictures to explain it and not 
> so much text.  I was reviewing the site with a large retailer's Web 
> development team and they immediately commented about how much TEXT was 
> on the pages and they couldn't just get the jist by seeing the 
> high-level picture first.  They told me its kind of like shopping - you 
> want to know if you are looking for shoes or furniture - then drill down 
> to the size and dimensions.  Maybe we could learn from retailers on how 
> they "sell their stuff" -  which is one aspect of the business we are in 
> - selling accessibility - so to speak."
> Please comment on the WAI IG list or the EOWG list as appropriate.

Hi all - I think that this is an interesting point, but we are not 
selling shoes. I think that most people arriving are looking for 
information, not a product, so I think that the amount of text is 
appropriate for the subject matter.

Regards to you all


Liam McGee
Managing Director
Communis Ltd

t: +44 (0)1373 836 476

Received on Monday, 26 October 2009 15:55:48 UTC