Re: introduction to CAPTCHA paper. Title ideas

I was completely baffled by the name CAPTCHA, until I read the start of  
the document. I think that it's so obscure that it may attract people to  
read on simply out of curiosity. I think that even "Turing test" will be  
unfamiliar to the vast majority of people using the site, even  
accessibility specialists.

Unfortunately the concept of "robot" will be unfamiliar too. I think  
perhaps "automatic" would be clearer, like "automated login prevention  

Another approach might be to emphasise "human", like "systems to allow  
only human access" or "to prevent non-human access"

The fact that it is inaccessible makes me think that "barrier" is a useful  
word. In some ways the it is deliberately inaccessible, to robots.  
"Anti-robot barriers" might be useful.

I think that the concept is difficult to grasp and we shouldn't  
necessarily look for a short, catchy title, for something that is, after  
all, a very technical subject.

best regards

Alan Chuter
Fundosa Teleservicios
Tel. +34 91 1210335

En Fri, 15 Jul 2005 00:06:35 -0400, Judy Brewer <> escribió:

> At 08:40 PM 7/14/2005 -0500, Shawn Henry wrote:
>>> 3. Introductory page for WG Note on Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA's
>>>    The PFWG is about to publish a Working Group Note which will update  
>>> the old Working Draft on CAPTCHA's. This will need an introductory  
>>> page, to briefly orient people to the document.
>>>    - old Working Draft:
>>>       * Inaccessibility of Visually-Oriented Anti-Robot Tests
>>>       *
>>>    - new Working Draft:
>>>       * will probably not be publicly visible before EOWG call, but  
>>> will cover most of same issues
>>>    - introductory page:
>>>       * draft will be posted to EOWG list before teleconference
>> An early draft introductory page is at  
>> Questions for review and discussion:
>> 1. The title of the Note is too complex and confusing.
> Note that the document is being renamed with the upcoming release: the  
> new name is the one that I have indicated in the agenda item,  
> "Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA." The 2ndary heading is "Alternatives to  
> Visual Turing Tests on the Web." Sorry not to be clearer.
> - Judy
>> What should be the title of this introductory page? (e.g., Introduction  
>> to Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA Paper, or Introduction to Inaccessibility  
>> of Anti-Robot Tests, or Introduction to W3C Note on Anti-Robot Tests  
>> or...)
>> - The shortname in the navigation? (Anti-Robot Tests, or Inaccessible  
>> CAPTCHA, or Robot or Human Tests, or...)
>> - The filename? (/intro/captcha, or intro/antirobot, or  
>> intro/robot-human, or...)
>> 2. Is this draft about the right amount of introduction? Is more  
>> needed? Or, should it be even shorter? Does it cover what is needed for  
>> an introduction?


Received on Friday, 15 July 2005 06:58:46 UTC