RE: Highlights comments

Barry / Shawn,

I also find the heading structure confusing - due to the CSS versus the
visual layout.

This is the structure on the page:

Page Title: Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - home page
  <H2>Site Navigation</H2>
  <H2>What WAI Does</H2>
    <H3>WAI develops...</H3>
    <H3>WAI welcomes...</H3>
    <H3>Events, Meetings, Presentations:</H3>
    <H3>Documents in Progress:</H3>
<H1>Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)</H1>
    <H3>Finding Your WAI: Exploring the New Web Site</H3>
    <H3>Web Accessibility: The Fellowship of the Guidelines</H3>
    <H3>Robot or Human? Tests Discriminate Against Humans</H3>
    <H3>Blog, Wiki, CMS... Got ATAG?</H3>
  <H2>Validation Logos</H2>
  <H2>Document Information</H2>

Cheers, Andrew

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Barry McMullin
Sent: Friday, 17 June 2005 8:52 PM
Subject: Hightlights comments

Hi All -

(Sorry this is so late; in my timezone, Friday morning tends to be
when I actually get around to thinking about EO, but I'll try to
find some more rational schedule on an ongoing basis.)

I generally like the current Highlights draft.  They are tight, yet
interesting, so very good teasers.  I prefer the style with
"conventional" linkage from the running text.

We did have some conversation about thinking of the Highlights as
more "blog like" - having timestamps, exposed authorship, maybe a
separate RSS feed, and (implicitly) having items systematically
move down the page and off the end with time.  I possibly missed
some of that discussion due to my connection problems.  I see we
now have a generic "byline" for edition of the Highlights as a
whole, and that works well for me. I do miss any kind of
timestamp, in particular, to give some sense of the currency of
these items.  If the highlights are going to all "turned over"
once a month, it may be enough just to add this to the
"Highlights" heading itself, rather than stamping each item.

Two minor nit-picks (which may be out of scope for today
anyway, but just to log them):

- What's with the <br /> elements?  Maybe they are good, maybe
  not, I don't quite understand what the intention was... For
  what it is worth, they did disrupt my own reading, rather than
  help it.

- Not so sure about hiding the <h2> in the footer from "visual"
  user agents.  "How did I know?" you might ask? I toggled on the
  Firefox outliner extension.  But then when I activated the
  "Document Information" link in the outline, I didn't see any
  "Document Information" heading in the document and got
  confused.  Yes, this is an unusual use case, so make of it what
  you will.  On the good side, I really liked the structure I saw
  with the outliner; and I imagine this may work well to enhance
  access for people with certain kinds of cognitive disability.

  With possible outliner use in mind, I would also be inclined to
  add a header (<h2>? <h3>? for the "byline" or "editor" of the

Best - Barry.

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