RE: bcase-social factors for 23 January 2004 teleconference

Shawn, I just took off the red text that I believe can be omitted in this
case.  Below is the text I propose.

Please let me know if you have questions.


"Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also called corporate citizenship
and other terms, is about operating an organization in such a way that
treats internal and external stakeholders ethically, conducts business in
the ethical way, increases human development, and positively impacts society
and the environment. Web accessibility is anintegral part of CSR because it
demonstrates company's commitment to providing equal opportunities for all
people regadless of limitations in all aspects of business.  Each company
should have either CSR statement, policies or program that demonstrate its
respect for all people and commitment to providing equal opportunities.   

Below are some of the points that should be included into CSR policies
o	provide access to the web for all employees regardless of
o	develop accessible information on the web
o	raise awareness about accessibility among employees and customers, 
o	contribute to the development of accessibility industry standards

CSR has been shown to improve financial performance, enhance brand image and
reputation, increase sales and customer loyalty, increase ability to attract
and retain employees, and provide access to capital and funding. "


Natasha Lipkina
HP eBusiness/
Accessibility Program Manager
Tel: 650-236-5409
Connecting people to the power of technology

> Hi,
> Some suggestions regarding CSR section: from my point of view, there are
> some redundancies in the text and the message is not crystal clear.  
> Red indicates text that I believe can be omitted. Blue is additions to the
> text.
> Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also called corporate citizenship
> and other terms, is about operating an organization in such a way that
> treats internal and external stakeholders ethically, conducts business in
> the ethical way, increases human development, and positively impacts
> society and the environment. Web accessibility is anintegral part of CSR
> because it demonstrates company's commitment to providing equal
> opportunities for all people regadless of limitations in all aspects of
> business.  can impact an organization's employees, stockholders and board
> members, suppliers and vendors, partners and collaborators, customers, and
> other constituents.
> Each company should have either CSR statement, policies or program that
> demonstrate its respect for all people and commitment to providing equal
> opportunities.   The following points can help incorporating social
> factors in a customized case for Web accessibility:
> ·	Does the organization already have a corporate social
> responsibilit,y statement or program? An organization's commitment to
> social responsibility could be in various areas and formats, and might be
> called something different than CSR. 
> o	If yes: How does Web accessibility fit within the specific
> parameters that the organization focuses on in its social responsibility
> efforts? For example, are the organization's efforts focused on employee
> volunteerism, financial sponsorship of events, or enhanced reputation to
> potential customers? A customized case can emphasize those aspects which
> most closely align with the organziations priorities. Is accessibility
> part of the corporate objective, does it promote hiring people with
> disabilities, 
> Below are some of the points that should be included into CSR policies
> o	provide access to the web for all employees regardless of
> limitations
> o	develop accessible information on the web
> o	raise awareness about accessibility among employees and customers, 
> o	contribute to the development of accessibility industry standards
> etc.
> o	If no: Are there programs or initiatives within the organization
> that overlap with social factors? For example, is the organization heavily
> recruiting employees, trying to increase its customer base for online
> sales, or seeking capital or other funding. [@@ need to say how each of
> these relate to Web access, e.g., employees get good feelings, sense of
> contribfution to society os easier to recruit & retain - or would that be
> too much?] 
> CSR has been shown to improve financial performance, enhance brand image
> and reputation, increase sales and customer loyalty, increase ability to
> attract and retain employees, and provide access to capital and funding.
> [x] many organizations around the world provide information about CRS
> (much of it free on the Web), such as statistics that show have CSR
> impacts customers. 
> ·	Which avenues of maximizing the benefits of Web accessibility as CSR
> are most relevant to the organziation? For example, is the organziation
> eager for a public relations story, or would it be able to demonstrate
> leadership as one of the first organziations in its area to fully
> implement Web accessibility? 
> One motivation for organizations' social responsibility efforts is
> financial. An organization's efforts in Web accessibility is a public
> relations opportunity to increase their positive image, which could
> increase site use, and offer direct and indirect financial gains, as
> discussed in the Financial Factors page of this resource suite.
> Thanks
> Natasha Lipkina
> HP eBusiness/
> Accessibility Program Manager
> Tel: 650-236-5409
> Connecting people to the power of technology
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Shawn Lawton Henry
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:37 PM
> To: 'EOWG (E-mail)'
> Subject: bcase-social factors for 23 January 2004 teleconference
> > An agenda for our 23 January 2004 teleconference follows.
> ...
> > 3. Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility: Social Factors
> > 	- see review notes in separate e-mail
> NOTE: The only section that has significant changes since the last
> review is the "Web Accessibility Benefits More Than People with
> Disabilities" section at:
> lastest draft:
> - previous version:
> - version before last major rewrite (from March 2003):
> changelog showing which changes are still pending from last discussion:
> -

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2004 16:39:17 UTC