- From: Emond, Elizabeth <EmondEA@state.gov>
- Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 12:43:04 -0500
- To: "'w3c-wai-eo@w3.org'" <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <D1C8BB4F038AD611BFC90002A5892ECF031B7B77@aimrmsntsg.irm.state.gov>
I have been reluctant to report Outreach when it is specific to the US's Section 508 standards. However, during the working group call this AM, other participants mentioned it so the following are some issues we are struggling with and I am certain the issues are global. My office was a nominee for the award mentioned in the last article (see page two of the Press Release) (we lost L) and we had a booth (called a POD) at the Interagency Disability Educational Awareness Showcase (IDEAS) convention for both days. Talked to a lot of vendors who also had PODs displaying their latest and greatest. Lots more at: <http://www.gcn.com/accessibility/> http://www.gcn.com/accessibility/ IDEAS SHARPENED AT ACCESSIBILITY CONFERENCE - <http://www.ideas508.com/> http://www.ideas508.com/ <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Press Release <http://www.ideas508.com/images/downloads/ideas03prrel002.pdf> http://www.ideas508.com/images/downloads/ideas03prrel002.pdf Photo gallery from the IDEAS 2003 at the Washington Convention Center Nov. 5 and 6. Attendees heard Section 508 updates, discussed best practices for implementing procurement rules and explored technologies that enable equal IT access for people with disabilities. <http://www.gcn.com/vol1_no1/photogallery/24289-1.html> http://www.gcn.com/vol1_no1/photogallery/24289-1.html E-GOV PROJECTS RECEIVE 508 ATTENTION - <http://www.gcn.com/a?508-2> http://www.gcn.com/a?508-2 As the Health and Human Services Department prepared to launch the latest version of Grants.gov last month, usability testers hit a snag. IRS BUILDS ACCESSIBILITY INTO ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE - <http://www.gcn.com/a?508-3> http://www.gcn.com/a?508-3 The IRS has incorporated Section 508 requirements into its enterprise architecture and lifecycle management policies. MANY TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES CAN AID IN ACCESSIBILITY - <http://www.gcn.com/a?508-1> http://www.gcn.com/a?508-1 Federal IT specialists working to make Web sites and other electronic documents accessible to people with disabilities have an increasing range of tools and techniques to help them. AGENCIES LAUDED FOR ACCESSIBILITY ACCOMPLISHMENTS - <http://www.gcn.com/a?508-4> http://www.gcn.com/a?508-4 The Education Department and the Patent and Trademark Office developed programs to integrate Section 508 accessibility requirements into all phases of their IT plans. For their efforts, the agencies today received the first Government Best Practices awards at the IDEAS conference in Washington.
Received on Friday, 5 December 2003 12:40:20 UTC