- From: Roberto Castaldo <r.castaldo@iol.it>
- Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 20:06:33 +0100
- To: <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
Hello everybody, I was reading again and again the document, and it seems to me that any reader who hasn't a great knowledge about web accessibility could understand that it's "olny" a matter of people with disabilities; but we all know it isn't so. Web accessibility deals with old people trying to use a badly projected web site, with newbies who have no time to spend to learn how a web site works, with the major part of internet users, not only with people with disabilities. And I think we should emphasize this. Our document, in my opinion, tendentially refers web accessibility only to people with disabilities; so, here's what I'd modify: 1 - Introduction: "Accessibility of the Web is vital for people with disabilities": it's true, but it is not the only truth. I'd rather say: "Accessibility of the Web is vital for people with disabilities and essential for every web surfer" 2 - Introduction: "However, people with disabilities need widespread and rapid increase in the accessibility of the Web.". I'd say: "However, people with disabilities and all web users need widespread and rapid increase in the accessibility of the Web" 3 - Then, I'd add a new short paragraph in the introduction, showing why accessibility is essential for each of us, and why any web project should include accessibility as an essential target to reach. 4 - Key Role of Authoring Tools: "consequently the majority of new content on the Web continues to present barriers to people with disabilities" may become "consequently the majority of new content on the Web continues to present barriers" After all, I think that one of our main challanges is to disclose web accessibility as a common interest, as an universal need for the internet, not only for people with disabilities; otherwise, accessibility will always be a niche argument, and none will invest a dime on a project which affects only a small amount of people. ---------------------------------- Roberto Castaldo www.webaccessibile.org coordinator r.castaldo@iol.it rcastaldo@webaccessibile.org Icq: 178709294 ----------------------------------
Received on Saturday, 1 November 2003 14:09:16 UTC