Re: Dynamically generated page content tests

Hi Harvey,

I have attempted to incorporate (most of) your suggestions into the 
Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility document.  See Section 4 at

I added them as sub bullets under (I think) the appropriate 
bullets.  However, I am not entirely sure this level of detail is 
appropriate for this document.  Perhaps the group could discuss this on the 
Wednesday or Friday call.


  At 14/06/02 09:58 AM, Harvey Bingham wrote:

>Here are some thoughts on assessment of dynamically generated page content:
>1. Does the content of every dynamically generated page have consistent 
>with respect to accessibility? If so a single sample can suffice. If not, seek
>consistent classes that represent these differences for testing?
>2. Does generated content drawn from database meet accessibility 
>requirements for
>all images, alt texts, and if needed the longdesc? [require these in 
>3. Does the generated tab order from the template allow getting to the 
>generated text
>content effectively?
>4. Do generated data tables have accessibility aids: captions, ids on th 
>header cells
>and axis idrefs in th data cells?
>5. If generated video, is it captioned?
>6. If generated audio narrative, is textual equivalent available?
>Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2002 12:17:17 UTC