- From: Harvey Bingham <hbingham@acm.org>
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 09:58:25 -0400
- To: EOWG <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
Here are some thoughts on assessment of dynamically generated page content: 1. Does the content of every dynamically generated page have consistent content with respect to accessibility? If so a single sample can suffice. If not, seek consistent classes that represent these differences for testing? 2. Does generated content drawn from database meet accessibility requirements for all images, alt texts, and if needed the longdesc? [require these in database.] 3. Does the generated tab order from the template allow getting to the generated text content effectively? 4. Do generated data tables have accessibility aids: captions, ids on th header cells and axis idrefs in th data cells? 5. If generated video, is it captioned? 6. If generated audio narrative, is textual equivalent available? Regards/Harvey Bingham
Received on Friday, 14 June 2002 10:28:42 UTC