Re: 2. Scenarios of People with Disabilities Using the Web

At 05:40 PM 1/5/01 -0500, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>The times I have referred to it, that is what I have needed from it

If you were even remotely typical of the expected audience, I would agree.

The only times I will ever refer to it will be to work on it. In fact I 
find it hard to believe that you "needed" much that would be found herein 
<g>. The reasons for harping on bizcase/policy/curbcut are sub-textual and 
to some extent subliminal. The reasons for embedding failures is to lend 
some reality, particularly for PWDs who know full well that none of this 
stuff works anywhere near as well as painted.


Received on Friday, 5 January 2001 17:59:04 UTC