Re: General Notes on Training Document - Reply

Retrofitting for a specific purpose may not take a lot of time. But  the
value in designing properly from the start is that it avoids having 50 or 100
requests for specific purpose retrofitting, and avoids the delays,
frustrations, and customers just giving up that motivated those requests in
the first place.

By the way I think this is more particularly relevant to the development of a
business case for accessibility.


Charles McCN

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Julie Howell wrote:

  William wrote:
  > From 20,000 feet I would urge that a couple of points be made
  in any/all(?) training sessions...retrofitting is beyond being a
  Sometimes I find I need to put a different spin on retrofitting.
  For example.  A blind person approaches me because they
  can't use a particular site.  I approach the designer who is
  sympathetic, but tells me that their new design isn't scheduled
  for a further 18 months, at which time the site will be made
  accessible.  My customer doesn't have 18 months to wait
  around - so I ask the designers to do a bit of short-term
  To persuade him/her to do this, I need to make
  retrofitting seem straight-forward and achievable ("honestly, this
  will only take you 10 minutes", etc.), while at the same time
  saying 'of course, if you do this right from the start...'.
  Somehow, I think we need to train designers to understand the
  benefits of universal design from the outset, while still seeing the
  worth in retrofitting as a short-term solution.
  Julie, RNIB, UK

Charles McCathieNevile    phone: +61 (0) 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative            
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September - November 2000: 
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Received on Saturday, 14 October 2000 08:35:25 UTC