Re: A few more comments...

Geoff Freed wrote:
> The following comments were accidently left out of Madeleine and Geoff's 
> response to the SMIL note:
> Section 2.2.1:
> Since there are several examples of SMIL files in this document, wouldn't it >also be helpful to include an example of a caption text file?  I have several if >you want to borrow from them.

Please send an example or two.
> Section 3.2:
> "In SMIL 1.0, the only style attribute that can be set in SMIL 1.0 is background-color..."

> Delete the second reference to SMIL 1.0.

> Section 4.1:
> In the third paragraph the A element is mentioned but there's no explanation of what it is.

I'll add explanation.

Thanks again,

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814

Received on Thursday, 29 July 1999 17:50:13 UTC