Re: Questions on Quick Tips revisions

>At 03:07 PM 7/14/99 -0400, wrote:
>>Hi Judy,
>>Thanks for the chance to comment.  I've added three suggestions to the
>>original text that you sent us (I had other comments, but you've
>>anticipated them in your plans for changes).  My suggestions are indicated
>>below on lines that begin with "<comment #>" and end with "</comment #>"
>>(where "#" is the number of the comment).
>>Best wishes,
>>Michael Muller
>>Lotus Research
>>Lotus Development Corporation
>>55 Cambridge Parkway
>>Cambridge MA 02142 USA
>>+1-617-693-4235 (voice)  +1-617-693-1407 (fax)
>> or

>>- Images & animations. Use the alt attribute to describe the function of
>>all visuals.
>><comment 1> Perhaps replace "the function" with "both content and function"
>></comment 1>

Building on that idea: I believe that either content and function but not
both are appropriate.

* <strong>Images & animations.</strong> Use the <strong>alt</strong> 
attribute to describe the function or content of each visual.

>>- Check your work. Validate the HTML. Use evaluation tools and text-only
>>browsers to verify accessibility.
>><comment 2> Perhaps append (at the end of "Check your work") "Navigate
>>using mouse only." </comment 2>

No. "Mouse only" is no less significant than "voice command only" or 
"keyboard only" for navigation.

>><comment 3> Perhaps further append "If you can't validate with a screen
>>reader, ask your colleague to play the role of screen reader software and
>>operate with your eyes closed." (I realize that this is probably too long.)
>></comment 3>
Suggest you can use lynx or its simulators to do this. There are other
assistive technologies that will do the intended eye-replacement test.
I don't believe this deserves to be on the card. There will soon be some
guidance from the Evaluation and Repair group about achieving this.

>Judy Brewer

Regards/Harvey Bingham 

Received on Thursday, 15 July 1999 22:12:39 UTC