Fw: Minutes, EOWG meeting, March 26, 1999.

This is a snippet from stella o'brien

WAI does already have the services of people like Chuck Letourneau who is a
training provider etc. for the Canadian government - and is the joint chair
of PAGL, and a member of the WAI EO amongst others. I've seen Chuck's work
and it is excellent, he also comes highly recommended by Cynthia Waddell of
San Jose - talk to him about training needs and provision.

My reply:
Great news about chuck being a trainer.  I was thinking more in line that
WAI or EO would take the lead to establish training requirements or
certifications.  Think we need this before the opportunist and also the
training company who need this become fragmented and dilute the meaning of
the words, universally accessible.


Received on Sunday, 28 March 1999 08:44:13 UTC