Universal design snippets

Here are a bunch of fragments -- quotable quotes on universal web design
to spark our collective imaginations: 

- Universal Web design considers all users. 

- Universal design considers the needs of all people, and incorporates
features useful to people with and without disabilities. 

- Universal Design is design for people of all ages and abilities. 

- Universal design accommodates people with disabilities, older people,
children, and others who are "non-average" in ways that are not
stigmatizing and benefit all users. 

- Applying Universal design principles results in pages that are easier to
use while reducing the need for later modifications. 

- A site or page is accessible if it can be used by everyone, including
people with sensory, mobility, and learning disabilities; people with
injuries; children; and seniors. 


Received on Friday, 26 February 1999 10:09:16 UTC