- From: Richards, Jan <jrichards@ocadu.ca>
- Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 18:32:12 +0000
- To: "w3c-wai-au@w3.org" <w3c-wai-au@w3.org>
Hi all, On the call we discussed whether the group should do a review of the UAAG 2.0 Last Call (http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-UAAG20-20131107/). Jeanne and I are both members of UAWG so probably shouldn't take the lead, but I did agree to send out some pointers to places in UAAG 2.0 that might be especially relevant to ATAG 2.0. Please feel free to send your thoughts on each section to the our (AUWG) list so we can bundle them and send them on: JEANNE: Please not the definite (editorial) issues at the bottom. Potential issues: ----------- Guideline 1.8 - Help users to orient within, and control, windows and viewports http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-UAAG20-20131107/#gl-viewport-orient SC 5.1.1 Comply with WCAG: Relationship with WCAG2 is nuanced as ATAG2's (http://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG20/#conf-rel-wcag). Does it need to be? http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-UAAG20-20131107/#sc_511 Definition of User Agent: Especially because it scopes in some authoring tools. http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-UAAG20-20131107/#def-user-agent Glossary: Are there instances where a word is differently in ATAG2? (e.g. author, ...) http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-UAAG20-20131107/#glossary NOTE: These are just suggestions. Please feel free to comment on other parts of the document. Definite issues (editorial): ----------- "ATAG20" used in reference example http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-UAAG20-20131107/#example SC 1.4.6 <strong> element out of place Cheers, Jan (MR) JAN RICHARDS PROJECT MANAGER INCLUSIVE DESIGN RESEARCH CENTRE (IDRC) OCAD UNIVERSITY T 416 977 6000 x3957 F 416 977 9844 E jrichards@ocadu.ca
Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 18:32:35 UTC