RE: AUWG Poll #1: 10 September 2007

Thanks to Barry and Roberto for your responses to our poll #1.

For those issues that have been fully accepted, I'll just wait for a  
third response (Jutta, Gregg, Tim?) to process them.

For those issues that Barry made suggestions for, I'll be responding  
later today or on Monday (I'm currently attending a conference)


Quoting Roberto Scano - IWA/HWG <>:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Jan Richards
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: AUWG Poll #1: 10 September 2007
> So here's how an email poll might work....
> AUWG Poll #1:
> -----
> Instructions:
> - Proposed rewordings, issues etc. are listed.
> - Members in good standing ( have the
> following "response" options:
>    A: Accept the proposal
>    B: Accept the proposal with the changes (then specify changes)
>    C: Do not accept the proposal (then specify reason)
> - Once 3 people have accepted a proposal (assume my vote is to accept
> unless noted) and none have rejected it, I'll start a 3 day timer. If
> the timer expires with no rejections then the proposal is assumed to be
> carried
> - to keep things organized, please respond to the poll as a whole rather
> than to individual questions.
> -----
> Start of proposals:
> Proposal 1: Components of Web Accessibility wording
> ro-components
> Response: Accept.
> -----
> Proposal 2: Moving the "Organization of the ATAG 2.0 Document" section
> up above the guidelines as it is in WCAG 2.0
> ro-organization
> Response: Accept.
> -----
> Proposal 3: The "modified" text in "Relationship to the Web Content
> Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)"
> ationship-To-WCAG
> Response: Accept.
> -----
> Proposal 4: Modified definition of "authoring action", "authoring
> outcome", "authoring practice"
> Response: Accept.
> -----
> Proposal 5: Definition of "authoring session "
> initions
> Response: Accept.
> -----
> Proposal 6: Modified definition of "authoring tool", "view" (which would
> then contain "editing view" and "preview"), and "authoring tool user
> interface"
> PLUS see below for modification to "authoring tool"
> Response: Accept.
> -----
> End of Poll #1
> Cheers,
> Jan

Received on Friday, 14 September 2007 13:29:18 UTC