Re: AUWG Teleconference on 20 March 2006

Regrets for me..  I have a conflicting meeting.
Thanks and best wishes
Tim Boland NIST

Quoting Jan Richards <>:

> Hi everyone,
> Just a reminder, there will be an AUWG teleconference on Monday 20 March 
> 2006 at 4:00 pm ET (there was talk of 3pm at the last meeting but we need 
> Jutta's ok):
> Call: (617) 761-6200 ext. 2894#
> Agenda:
> 1. Comments on Guidelines draft
> Note: when asking others for input, use most recent internal draft:
> (a) a new batch has come in from BF:
> - A start on proposed responses by JR:
> -EO has a batch that should be coming soon.
> -other members have been encouraged to collect input from within their
> organizations as well.
> (b) Checkpoint by checkpoint review:
> B.1.1
> 2. Technique development
> - JR and TB have put up an internal draft of the Techniques:
> 3. Publishing plans - heartbeat requirement means another publication is
> probably needed before the end of March - most likely the Techniques.
> 4. F2F Ideas (last week of April - though time is now tight for this)
> -Venice (RS to host)
> -Washington DC Area (TB at NIST to host)
> Please send regrets or additional agenda items to the list.
> Cheers,
> Jan

Received on Monday, 20 March 2006 01:23:29 UTC