Minutes from AUWG Teleconference on Monday December 20 2004

MINUTES from AUWG Teleconference on Monday, 20 December 2004


BF: Barry Feigenbaum
KM: Karen Mardahl
MM: Matt May
TB: Tim Boland
JR: Jan Richards

Regrets: Jutta Treviranus


>>1. Last Call status report

JR: Only one person has commented: TB. 
Charles McCathieNevile did send a mail about an Italian discussion on ATAG:
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2004OctDec/0117.html. The
majority of us do need a translation into English.

MM: Discussed ATAG 20 at Advisory Committee meeting in front of crowd and in
talks with some vendors. Will remind A.C. reps at beginning of January about
need for input. History shows that comments do tend to come at the last
minute. Will send info to list about bugzilla, where we can report comments
to both guidelines and techniques: www.w3.org/Bugs.

>>2. QA Framework review

TB: Made announcement to list:
QA would like input on what should be included in specs to make them useful.
Tim has been to make a call for ATAG feedback by Jan. 28. Report 1) how
technically sound this document is, and 2) is it usable in the format in
which it is presented. Please provide feedback.
The QA handbook, announced in
is really a note, but the spec GL is more important. Please come with
technical comments. There are normative reqs in it, as well as informative
best practices.

>>3. Techniques tasks and timelines

KM will follow up if changes submitted by JT and KM have been entered.

JR: Need to identify areas in Techs that need work. Use bugzilla to report
comments. Categories are ATAG 2.0 and ATAG 2.0 Techniques. Use what's online
as base for new comments:
ATAG: http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-ATAG20-20041122/
TECHS: http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-ATAG20-TECHS-20041122/
We can farm out tasks in next call.

TB: Can we have template or common voice for presentation?
JR: can you report that to bugzilla?

JR: You are all encouraged to take a look at techs, especially ones that
interest you and have comments ready for next call before next call.

TB: What about strongly suggested comments that are almost normative?
JR: No, they are not normative. Perhaps we need to check language. The doc
itself is informative, but the "strongly suggested" is almost de facto. As
far as we know, that which is strongly suggested is the only way one can
hope to achieve conformance, that the item is really required to meet other
requirements. Perhaps it is used unevenly across the document, and we could
use a rewording.

JR: Best to plan definite timeline in next call. Jan. 3rd is probably
impractical, so next date is most likely Jan. 10th. JT will confirm at a
later date.

>>4. Other

Ideas on the next F2F? Send to list. We know it won't be at TP:

JR on leave until after March 21st. 
It's sensible to have F2F after close of last call comments, and with an
notice of eight weeks and other conferences, probably looking at beginning
of April.

<end of minutes>

Happy, healthy, peaceful holidays to all!

Received on Monday, 20 December 2004 23:03:07 UTC