Re: Glossary updates

I agree with these.
(and Matt's small change)


Quoting Karen Mardahl <>:

> Here are glossary updates for Matt to add and for people to comment. I was
> inspired by ATAG, Google, WAI glossary, and the dictionary: word /
> definition / (my comments)
> * * * * * * *
> *** Alert ***
> An alert makes the author aware of events or actions that require a
> response
> or reaction, but not necessarily immediately. The event or actions that
> trigger an alert may have serious consequences if ignored.
> (Was worry about conflict with inform. They are both used extensively
> throughout however, so it would require a bit of surgery to cut out one or
> the other. The term alert does tend to imply danger or serious problems -
> moreso than a message that is just informing you of something minor. There
> is a degree of severity, but I was afraid to introduce too many new terms -
> I could hear Tim shouting in the background. ;-) )
> *** Configurability ***
> Configurability refers to the adjustment of authoring tool settings, such
> as
> layout, rendering style, or other parameters that may affect the author's
> ability to use the authoring interface or editing methods. The author must
> then be able to store these adjustments, or author preferences, so they can
> be used in all future sessions with the authoring tool.
> (I tried to avoid certain terms from WAI glossary like persistance. I
> didn't
> want to introduce terms solely for the sake of the glossary - "les mots
> pour
> les mots"!)
> *** Display ***
> Display refers to the presentation of information to the author, either
> visually or through a device such as a screen reader.
> (I got hung up on the visual aspect and wondered if it was only visual, or
> if the presentation of info through a screen reader counted as well. All
> our
> references seem visual.)
> *** Inform ***
> To inform is to make the author aware of an event or situation using
> methods
> such as alert, prompt, sound, flash. These methods may be unobtrusive (that
> is, presented without stopping the author's current activity), or intrusive
> (that is, interrupting the author's current activity). 
> (Not sure what to do with this note: @@make sure "passive" inform is
> possible i.e. alt in "image insertion dialog"@@ ) Unobtrusive covers this,
> yes, no?
> *** Object ***
> An object is one or more elements that together are perceived as one
> entity.
> (This may be thin, but the definition in the WAI glossary is humongous and
> our use of object is not that detailed. And I am not about to write a
> handbook in OOP or OLE!! I think we can have a little definition here for
> now and see what people say. Long-term, the ATAG could have a little
> definition and then link to a new, updated glossary for an expanded
> definiton.
> This makes element a sub-set of object and I would then change have to
> change our definition of element - changing the word "element" to "item".)
> *** Element *** SLIGHT TWEAK ONLY
> An element is any identifiable item within a document, for example, a
> character, word, image, paragraph, or spreadsheet cell. In [HTML4] and
> [XML], an element refers to a pair of tags and their content, or an "empty"
> tag - one that requires no closing tag or content.
> * * * *
> Comments, anyone??
> regards, Karen Mardahl

Received on Monday, 22 November 2004 00:55:15 UTC