RE: Scope edits

That was the word I originally had in the sentence but then I 
recalled several discussions in which people were encouraging us to 
be explicit about the rationales and success criteria and their 
relation to people with disabilities as opposed to people in 
disabling contexts.


At 11:45 PM +0100 11/19/04, Karen Mardahl wrote:
>I agree with your points Jutta (especially the first one!) To emphasize the
>Universal bit, how about:
>"more accessible to all potential Web content users and authors, including
>people with disabilities."
>It seems to me that "especially" is emphasize or focus. Including seems more
>natural - sort of "of course".
>Or am I way off or overreacting?
>regards, Karen Mardahl
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[] On Behalf Of Jutta Treviranus
>>Sent: 19. november 2004 18:44
>>Subject: Scope edits
>>Importance: High
>>In the scope statement we presently have the phrase:
>>"more accessible and usable to  people with a full range of
>>This seems to imply that the people have a full set of disabilities
>>which is not what we intend.
>>We also want to stress the Universal Design aspect of what we are
>>doing. I propose rewording this as follows:
>>"more accessible to all potential Web content users and authors,
>>especially people with disabilities."
>>Any objections or further suggestions?

Received on Saturday, 20 November 2004 22:00:10 UTC