- From: Jan Richards <jan.richards@utoronto.ca>
- Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 17:30:39 -0500
- To: "List (WAI-AUWG)" <w3c-wai-au@w3.org>
Hi, I know that Karen and maybe others are working on definitions, but I thought I'd throw out some ideas for terms that were flagged as needing work. --- Alert [Recommend replacing use of term with "Inform"] Configurable A configurable authoring tool is one that provides the authors with sufficient preferences settings to accommodate a variety of authoring _workflows_. Display To display information is to make that information available via one or more output devices (e.g. screen, speakers, Braille devices). Accessible information can be displayed effectively on all output devices. Element (1) An "element" is an instance within _Web content_ of an "element type", a syntactic construct of a document type definition (DTD). (2) More generally, an "element" is a type of content (such as video or sound) or a logical construct (such as a header, list, or table cell). [adapted from UAAG] Inform To inform is to communicate a message to the author. The message may be implemented in a way that is either intrusive (i.e. author is required to immediately acknowledge the message) or non-intrusive (i.e. the author is not required to acknowledge the message). Non-intrusive implementations are recommended. [Pairs with "prompt"] Markup Markup is a set of tags from a markup language that specify the characteristics of a document. Markup can be presentational (e.g. markup for colors, sizes, transparency), structural (e.g. markup for headings, list items) or semantic (i.e. markup for meaning). Object [Recommend replacing use of term with "Element"] Prompt To prompt is to elicit a response from the author (e.g. answer a yes-no question, provide a description, etc.). The eliciting may be implemented in a way that is either intrusive (i.e. author is required to provide the response immediately) or non-intrusive (i.e. the author is not required to immediately provide the response).Non-intrusive implementations are recommended in order to urge, suggest, and encourage, but not to force. [Pairs with "inform"] Property A property is a characteristic of an element, for example structural information (e.g., first class heading, list item) or presentation information (e.g., bold font, 14pt font). WCAG Techniques Documents A WCAG techniques document is a document that identifies how each _WCAG_ checkpoint requirement can be satisfied by Web content in a particular _format_. Web content Web content (or just "content") is a term that covers any full or partial document or interface that is (or may be made) available on-line and is rendered via a user agent. [WCAG doers not have a def'n yet :)] --- Cheers, Jan -- Jan Richards, M.Sc. User Interface Design Specialist Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto Email: jan.richards@utoronto.ca Web: http://jan.atrc.utoronto.ca Phone: 416-946-7060 Fax: 416-971-2896
Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2004 22:31:10 UTC