ISO-TS-16071:2003 Issues (includes Table of Contents)

(At the end of this message is section 7 of the ISO-TS-16071:2003 table 
of contents.  This is the portion that involves the guidelines. As this 
represents far less than 10% of the document, it is my understanding 
that reproducing this information is ok. Each guideline includes a 
priority level (core, primary, and secondary) and an applicability 
(operating systems (OS) or applications or both).


ISO-TS-16071:2003 Issues

(1) Currently ATAG 2.0 has ISO-TS-16071:2003-relative priority 
checkpoints defined as:

These checkpoints can be met to one of three levels designated as 
"application" in part 7.2 of ISO TS 16071:2003:

Level 1: The authoring interface meets guidelines designated as "core" 
in Part 7.2 of ISO TS 16071:2003.
Level 2: The authoring interface meets guidelines designated as "core" 
and "primary" in Part 7.2 of ISO TS 16071:2003.
Level 3: The authoring interface meets guidelines designated as "core", 
"primary", and "secondary" in Part 7.2 of ISO TS 16071:2003.

Whereas the current ATAG 2.0 reference is to the "application"-specific 
guidelines in section 7.2 only. I propose that we widen the reference to 
all of the "application"-specific guidelines in section 7 of the ISO 
doc. The priority levels would then read:

These checkpoints can be met to one of three levels, according to which 
of the guidelines listed in Part 7 of ISO TS 16071:2003 the authoring 
interface meets:

Level 1: The authoring interface meets all of the "application" 
guidelines designated as "core".
Level 2: The authoring interface meets all of the "application" 
guidelines designated as "core" or "primary".
Level 3: The authoring interface meets all of the "application" 
guidelines designated as "core", "primary", or "secondary".

(2) In addition, ATAG 2.0 has some text in section 1.4.2 that attempts 
to give an introduction to the ISO document. I propose including a list 
of the 7.X table of contents items. This would be:

- General guidelines
- Assistive technologies
- Keyboard-input configuration
- Software control of pointing devices
- Display fonts
- Displays
- Colour
- Audio output
- Errors and user notification
- On-line documentation and help
- Customization of user preferences
- Window appearance and behaviour
- Keyboard input focus


Excerpt from the ISO-TS-16071:2003 table of contents:

7 Guidelines

7.1 Support for accessibility

7.2 General guidelines
   7.2.1 Input/output alternatives
   7.2.2 Enable user to perform the task effectively with any single
     input device (core: OS/application)
   7.2.3 Provide user-preference profiles (secondary: OS/application)
   7.2.4 Enable user setting of timed responses (core: OS/application)
   7.2.5 Provide object descriptions (secondary: OS/application)
   7.2.6 Accessibility features should be easy to turn on and off
     (primary: OS)
   7.2.7 Safeguard against inadvertent activation or deactivation of
     accessibility features(secondary: OS)
   7.2.8 Inform user of accessibility feature on/off status (primary: OS)
   7.2.9 Enable persistent activation (secondary: OS/application)
   7.2.10 Avoid seizure-inducing blink rates (core: OS/application)
   7.2.11 Provide undo functionality (secondary: OS/application)
   7.2.12 Enable user control of time-sensitive presentation of
     information (core: application)
   7.2.13 Clarify natural language usage (secondary: OS/application)

7.3 Assistive technologies
   7.3.1 Use system-standard input/output (core: application)
   7.3.2 Provide object labels (core: OS/application)
   7.3.3 Make event notification available to assistive technologies
     (core: OS/application)
   7.3.4 Make object attributes available to assistive technologies
     (core: OS/application)
   7.3.5 Present user notification in a relevant manner (core:

7.4 Keyboard-input configuration
   7.4.1 General
   7.4.2 Enable sequential entry of multiple keystrokes (core: OS)
   7.4.3 Provide customization of delay before key acceptance (primary:
   7.4.4 Provide customization of same-key double-strike acceptance
     (primary: OS)
   7.4.5 Provide customization of key repeat rate (primary: OS)
   7.4.6 Provide customization of post-key-press delay of repeat onset
     (primary: OS)
   7.4.7 Provide keyboard control of pointer functions (core: OS)
   7.4.8 Provide notification about toggle-key status (primary: OS)
   7.4.9 Provide accelerator keys (secondary: OS/application)
   7.4.10 Provide implicit designators (secondary: OS/application)
   7.4.11 Reserve accessibility key-mappings (core: OS/application)
   7.4.12 Enable remapping of keyboard functions (secondary:
   7.4.13 Separate keyboard navigation and activation (core:

7.5 Software control of pointing devices
   7.5.1 Types of pointing device
   7.5.2 Enable the adjustment of the location of button functions (core:
   7.5.3 Enable multiple clicks with single key press and release
     (primary: OS/application)
   7.5.4 Enable button hold with a single button press and release
     (primary: OS/application)
   7.5.5 Enable delay of pointer-button-press acceptance (primary:
   7.5.6 Enable delay of pointer movement acceptance after mouse-down
     event (primary: OS/application)
   7.5.7 Enable customization of multiple-click interval and target area
     (primary: OS/application)
   7.5.8 Enable pointer speed and ratio adjustment (primary:
   7.5.9 Provide alternatives to chorded key presses (core:

7.6 Display fonts
   7.6.1 Enable font customization and legibility (core: OS/application)
   7.6.2 Adjust the scale and layout of objects as font-size changes
     (primary: OS/application)

7.7 Displays
   7.7.1 Enable users to customize viewing attributes (secondary:
   7.7.2 Use text characters as text, not as drawing elements (secondary:
   7.7.3 Provide access to information displayed in “virtual” screen
     regions (core: OS)
   7.7.4 Enable appropriate presentation of tables (primary: application)

7.8 Colour
   7.8.1 Provide alternatives to the use of colour as the sole source of
     information (core: OS/application)
   7.8.2 Provide colour palettes designed for people who have visual
     impairments (primary: OS/application)
   7.8.3 Allow users to create colour palettes (secondary:
   7.8.4 Use user-determined colour settings (primary: OS/application)
   7.8.5 Allow users to customize colour coding (primary: OS/application)
   7.8.6 Provide alternatives to coding by hue (core: OS/application)

7.9 Audio output
   7.9.1 Use of audio output
   7.9.2 Enable audio customization (secondary: OS/application)
   7.9.3 Default frequency range for non-speech audio (secondary:
   7.9.4 Provide specified frequency components for audio warnings and
     alerts (secondary: OS/application)
   7.9.5 Allow users to choose visual indication of audio output (core:

7.10 Errors and user notification
   7.10.1 Allow task-relevant warning or error information to persist
     (core: OS/application)

7.11 On-line documentation and help
   7.11.1 Provide alternative methods for accessing on-line documentation
     and help (primary: OS/application)
   7.11.2 Provide generic-help content (primary: OS/application
   7.11.3 Provide on-line documentation and help on accessibility
     features (primary: OS/application)

7.12 Customization of user preferences
   7.12.1 Enable customization of user preferences (primary:
   7.12.2 Enable customization of common interface elements (primary:
   7.12.3 Enable cursor and pointer customization (core: OS/application)
   7.12.4 Provide capability to use preferences across locations
     (secondary: OS/application)

7.13 Window appearance and behaviour
   7.13.1 Enable non-pointer navigation directly to windows (core:
   7.13.2 Enable “always on top” windows (primary: OS)
   7.13.3 Provide user control of multiple “always on top” windows
     (primary: OS/application)
   7.13.4 Enable user choice of effect of input focus on window stacking
     order (primary: OS/application)

7.14 Keyboard input focus
   7.14.1 Provide focus cursor (core: OS/application)
   7.14.2 Provide keyboard navigation (core: OS/application)
   7.14.3 Provide navigation to task-appropriate groups of controls
     (core: OS/application)
   7.14.4 Retain input-focus location (secondary: OS/application)

Jan Richards, M.Sc.
User Interface Design Specialist
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto

   Phone: 416-946-7060
   Fax:   416-971-2896

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2004 15:34:26 UTC