[Update] Checklist of Checkpoints for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0

I've update the checklist with the last draft 

The checklist is attached and available here:

Free to edit/publish under http://jan.rcat.utoronto.ca/public/auwg/ or 

Roberto Scano (rscano@iwa-italy.org)
IWA/HWG International Project Manager and EMEA Coordinator
International Webmasters Association / HTML Writers Guild
W3C Advisory Commitee Representative for IWA/HWG
W3C WCAG Working Group Member - W3C ATAG Working Group Member
Expert of ISO/TC 159/SC 4/WG 5 'Software ergonomics and human-computer 
http://www.iwanet.org - http://www.hwg.org
E-Mail: emea@iwanet.org - w3c-rep@iwanet.org
Personal web site: http://www.robertoscano.info

Received on Saturday, 6 November 2004 09:29:05 UTC