Re: Name for working draft


I will publish the draft as "wombat" as fast as I can - watch this space...


On Fri, 25 May 2001, Marjolein Katsma wrote:


  Fine with me. I was only (half) joking.

  (Still looking fora project to call Phoenix that *isn't* a failure before it even starts.)

  At 16:20 2001-05-25 -0400, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
  >Well, I am not really fussed. But since I want to get it out I am planning to
  >stick with wombat unless anyone actually objects...
  >(but now I want to think of something to call phoenix. And I still like Sarah
  >as a name, too, but I guess another day...)

  Marjolein Katsma
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Received on Friday, 25 May 2001 16:45:30 UTC