Re: icon sketches for ATAG-TECHS

I think these icons are very nice, well done graphically, nice to look at. One little problem I see though: they're so similar in overall shape that you have to look at tiny details to see their difference (and semantics) - which sort of defeats the purpose of having an icon in the first place, I think. (Sorry Matthias!)

I'm attaching my "programming" icon in two sizes. BMP format, but they can easily be converted to PNG or GIF. These were designed (together with a set of other icons) to be easily recognizable and discernable even at the small 16x16 icon size (as used in trees and "small icons" displays on Windows).


At 17:19 2001-04-23 +0200, Matthias Mueller-Prove wrote:
>Hi team,
>some sketches of the tool icons for our ATAG10-TECHS document can be found at
>Matthias Mueller-Prove,
> User Centered Design   
>   Adobe - Hamburg          
Marjolein Katsma
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Received on Monday, 23 April 2001 12:01:20 UTC