- From: Matthias Mueller-Prove <mprove@Adobe.COM>
- Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 22:08:34 +0200
- To: "Phill Jenkins/Austin/IBM" <pjenkins@us.ibm.com>, w3c-wai-au@w3.org
Hi Phill, thanks for your comment. And - BTW - I agree. Matthias http://www.mprove.de/script/00/wai/multimedia.html#Open >I'm not sure who posted the issue: > >>Open issues >> >>Are applets being considered as multimedia? > >I would like to recommend that "interactive multimedia", which is >multimedia that has hot spots that can be selected, receive focus, etc. be >considered in a separate area - such as "interactive multimedia". Since >not all applets employ multimedia clips I don't think of applets as being >considered multimedia. Multimedia (video and audio) is or can be added to >applets to end up with interactive multimedia, while from the other point >of view there are existing multimedia clips that are enhanced with >programming behind it to end up with interactive multimedia. > >Also, the role of the user agent and/or special plug-in and/or "player" for >that multimedia type needs to be considered. > >Regards, >Phill Jenkins >IBM Accessibility Center - Special Needs Systems >http://www.ibm.com/able -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Matthias Mueller-Prove http://www.adobe.com/products/golive/ UI & Software Design mprove@adobe.com mprove@acm.org Adobe - Hamburg
Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2000 16:10:23 UTC