Re: styling

So in terms of evaluation process (guideline 7 aside), it seems that the
question to be asked is something like:

Does the tool have either a means to detect and notify the author of
instances of markup being misued to convey structure (ex. FONT changes
used instead of header elements for headings) and suggest corrections or
at least allow the author to manually modify this misused markup? (ATAG

(Most tools will pass this if they have notepad mode.)


William Loughborough wrote:
> 4.5 Allow the author to transform presentation markup that is misused to
> convey structure into structural markup, and to transform presentation
> markup used for style into style sheets. [Priority 3]
> To evaluate if a tool does this actually implies that it have some sort
> of means to find instances of these practices to help the author by
> pointing them out. At the very least the tool MUST allow changes of this
> sort to be made.
> Guideline 7 intro: "The style preferences of the editing view must not
> affect the markup of the published document."
> One should actually be able to use a personalized sytle sheet for doing
> any edits without the chosen styles having any effect on the final
> product.

Jan Richards
Access Software Designer
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
University of Toronto

Phone: (416) 946-7060
Fax:   (416) 971-2896

Received on Friday, 25 August 2000 12:53:44 UTC