techniques organization

On the call it was suggested that there be a way to differentiate the
checkpoint numbers of WCAG from those of ATAG and that is clearly
necessary. One suggestion is to leave out the word "checkpoint" and
designate them as "WCAG 3.1" or "ATAG 7.2".

When "Reference:" is used under a checkpoint to WCAG it shouldn't be so
general but should isolate where to look (I guess this has already been
brought up but needs reinforcing) so that the "feel" intended for
hyperlinks is evident. I don't know how practical this is since the
target snippet would have to be marked and is beyond the control of this
document. Maybe all the destinations could be gathered in one place to
make this process work fast?

The Sample under 1.1 shouldn't be a general statement - it *must* point
to an actual sample. This should be true of all samples.


Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2000 21:39:52 UTC