Re: teleconfernce timing

aloha, charles!

my order of preference:

1. Thursday at 12pm U.S. EST
2. Wednesday at 4pm U.S. EST

and, as things stand now, i wouldn't be able to attend regularly (if at 
all) on tuesdays, as tuesday is the one day during the week that is (at 
least on my calendar) unsullied by a teleconference of any kind, so it is 
the day i have reserved for visiting physicians, getting acupuncture, and 
performing other things that one can't quite do whilst grafted to a 
telephone, nor whilst trapped in one's apartment waiting for the next 
telecon to roll around, nor online...


At 03:40 PM 3/6/00 -0500, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>It will involve a little bit of effort to organise the metings moving to
>thursday. It may be easier to arrange for Tuesday at 2pm - does that time
>suit people better or worse than
>   a) Thursday at noon
>   b) Wednesday at 4pm
>(boston times)
>(For me the thursday is best, tuesday is second best, and wednesday is a
>distant third.)
>Charles McCN
>Charles McCathieNevile    phone: +61 (0) 409 134 136
>W3C Web Accessibility Initiative            
>Location: I-cubed, 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053
>Postal: GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne 3001,  Australia

He that lives on Hope, dies farting
      -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
    WebMaster and Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC

Received on Monday, 6 March 2000 18:57:50 UTC