Re: edits to PropRec

William Loughborough wrote:

Hi William,

Some of the bugs you cite below are due to changes in the
doc production process. I apologize and we should not have
these problems in the future. I'll fix in the source.

> In the intro: " that there is more accessible content on the
> Web..."
> Might more appropriately be "become" rather than "is"?

Changed to "will be"
> 1.2 finds a superfluous comma after WCAG.

> "2.2 Ensure that the tool automatically generates valid markup." might
> be better dealt with by saying something like "if the tool automatically
> generates markup it must be valid, if the markup is in response to
> author action it must be checked and if invalid, flagged" or some such.
> Then in 2.3 further emphasize not only the tool's but the author's role
> in generating valid markup.
> Guideline 3 intro: "Yet generating equivalent information..." has a
> superfluous "yet" (probably a relic when this sentence was a mere
> clause)also "At the same time it can reinforce..." might be better as a
> clause instead of a sentence else say "It can also..."
> 3.1 clarification "For example include captions, an auditory
> description, and a collated text transcript with prepackaged" begs the
> question "prepackaged *WHAT*?"

Missing text due to doc production problem.

Same thing with Gregory's observation about missing H1 in fact...
> 3.4 note: "Refer also to checkpoints checkpoint 3.3 and checkpoint 3.5."
> I bet if you delete "checkpoints" you won't lose much meaning.


>  Also
> there is a blank space between the note and "Techniques..." that is
> absent in the other checkpoint notes.
> Guideline 4 intro "Many authoring tools allow authors to create
> documents with little or no knowledge..." sounds like the documents are
> ignorant rather than the authors.
> Guideline 7 intro Paragraph two has too many "for instances". I think.


 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 1999 18:42:36 UTC