edits to PropRec

In the intro: "...so that there is more accessible content on the

Might more appropriately be "become" rather than "is"?

1.2 finds a superfluous comma after WCAG.

"2.2 Ensure that the tool automatically generates valid markup." might
be better dealt with by saying something like "if the tool automatically
generates markup it must be valid, if the markup is in response to
author action it must be checked and if invalid, flagged" or some such.
Then in 2.3 further emphasize not only the tool's but the author's role
in generating valid markup.

Guideline 3 intro: "Yet generating equivalent information..." has a
superfluous "yet" (probably a relic when this sentence was a mere
clause)also "At the same time it can reinforce..." might be better as a
clause instead of a sentence else say "It can also..."

3.1 clarification "For example include captions, an auditory
description, and a collated text transcript with prepackaged" begs the
question "prepackaged *WHAT*?"

3.4 note: "Refer also to checkpoints checkpoint 3.3 and checkpoint 3.5."
I bet if you delete "checkpoints" you won't lose much meaning. Also
there is a blank space between the note and "Techniques..." that is
absent in the other checkpoint notes.

Guideline 4 intro "Many authoring tools allow authors to create
documents with little or no knowledge..." sounds like the documents are
ignorant rather than the authors.

Guideline 7 intro Paragraph two has too many "for instances". I think.

So far, so good.


Received on Wednesday, 22 December 1999 17:47:58 UTC