Re: addressing the sophistication of the user in Section 1.2

At 08:59 PM 11/29/1999 , Gregory J. Rosmaita wrote:
>Such repair strategies are unlikely to be initiated if the author must then
>make any appropriate corrections by hand or in response to prompts
>and alerts _without_ guidance from the tool itself.
>Note: the underscores surrounding the word "without" indicates suggested use of
>"font-style: italic;"

You mean they suggest <EM>!  (Which you can of course style to
"font-style: italic;")  Otherwise the user with a disability who checks
over your outgoing email might not "hear" the emphasis in a smart
screenreader, Gregory. :)

(Why am I picking on poor Gregory today?)

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Tuesday, 30 November 1999 00:00:07 UTC