Re: addressing the sophistication of the user in Section 1.2

aloha, kynn!

Kynn observed:
  You forgot one of the best ways to check this -- asking someone with
  a disability to try to use the site!  All the automatic checks in the
  world won't tell you anything if a blind user can't navigate or a
  deaf user can't access content!

right on, kynn!  don't know how i forgot THAT one -- guess i should ask someone
with a disability to check my outgoing email from now on!

as for the sentence which begins with the odious "Obviously", i repropose it,

Such repair strategies are unlikely to be initiated if the author must then
make any appropriate corrections by hand or in response to prompts
and alerts _without_ guidance from the tool itself.

Note: the underscores surrounding the word "without" indicates suggested use of
"font-style: italic;"


I'm a teleological existential agnostic. I 
believe that there is an intelligence that 
governs the universe--with the exception of 
certain parts of New Jersey.
                              -- Woody Allen
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
Camera Obscura

Received on Monday, 29 November 1999 23:51:49 UTC